Monday, July 14, 2008

What are you putting in your mouth?? A gardening tip

It seems the evening news is blasted with food-gone-bad stories. It makes you wonder what is not only going into your mouth, but into your stomach and liver and muscles. Well this year, being the alarmist I am, I quadrupled my garden . Now is not the time to be handing out garden tips, because it's getting pretty late to put stuff in, but here are some tips that I recently learned.

1 You can grow sprouts all year long. Of course I always knew that but I just found out how delightful radish sprouts are. You sprout them like any other between two sheets of paper towel or in a jar. They are tingly and hot just like the rest. Just google growing sprouts, and you will find endless ways to grow your own and add some real healthy tidbits to your diet during the winter months.

2. You can plant next years spinach just before the big freeze (for those of us who live where it snows each year.) Plant as usual and mulch heavy with straw, then next spring you will have a splendidly early crop of spinach.

3. Did you know that those nasty peach and apricot pits have little seeds inside that are actually good for you. They taste like well, not good, and makes you pucker and want to spit them out, but my daughter-in-law found that info on the internet also. Do the keystrokes and see for yourself.

Well happy gardening, and wash those fruits and vegetables before you put them into your mouth. Even bananas before you peel them and melons before you cut through them.

That's all right this second. Just wanted to pass it on